6x6 mm crystal in metal setting, 4 mm sw bicones (rose and alabaster rose), 4 mm firepolised beads (opal lilac), 11/0 delicas (silver, galvanized lilac), leather cords in matching colours...
8 mm lamp bead, 4 mm sw bicones (bronze, pacific opal, aqua blue) 11/0 hexa delica bronze, 6 mm round glass bead aqua blue, 4 - 3 - 2,5 mm aqua firepolished beads, 4 & 3 mm bronze firepolished beads.
Every month my friend makes new nail-designs for me. This is one of my favourites made of my favourite colours: turquoise & bronze. I like it so much I had to make a new ring :)))
8 mm round yellow sw crystal in metal setting, olive green 4 mm sw bicones, 4 mm olive czech firepolished beads, 3 mm bronze firepolished bead, 11/0 bronze delica...
2008. január 5.-től szombatonként új tanfolyamot indítok, kezdőknek és középhaladóknak.
A kezdők megtanulhatják az összes fűzési alaptechnikát, alkalmazásukat, illetve minden technikához kapcsolódóan egy-egy ékszert is elkészítünk. Megtanítom hogyan kell a fűzési mintákat olvasni, kezelni, illetve hamarosan te magad is elkészítheted saját terveid rajzát.
A középhaladók (esetleg haladók, ha a létszám engedi...) pedig az adott alaptechnikához kapcsolódó projektmunkákat készíthetnek el, részben minta, részben saját tervek alapján, illetve megtanítom, hogyan tudsz fotó alapján is mintát olvasni/készíteni.
Ezen kívül lehetőség lesz minden alkalommal konzultációra is: itt mindenki megmutathatja munkáit, segítséget kaphat bármilyen gyöngyfűzéssel, bizsukészítéssel kapcsolatos kérdésére.
Igény szerint egy-egy alkalommal kitérünk a gyöngyfűzés mellett más bizsukészítő technikákra is (pl drótékszerek...)
A további részleteket megtalálhatod a honlapomon, illetve ha kérdésed van, azt felteheted a fórumon!
I had made a silver swarovski ring for my friend. This pendant was made to suit that ring. I used 11/0 delicas, a round crystal in metal setting (12 mm), 4mm sw bicones (silver).
This bracelet was requested by one of my friends. She wanted something black with silver and bronze and multistringed... It is made of matte black 4mm miyukies, matte dark grey 9/0 czech seed beads, firepolished and special cut black and hematite czech beads, 7 mm vintage black beads (real black ones, not dark greens or purples ;) ), 8mm black-crystal pressed beads, and beaded beads made of 11/0 delicas.
A wide (55 mm) bracelet made of cca 4 mm czech cubes (I didn´t have enough miyukies in one colour), 4 mm swarovski bicones (padparadsha) and 10/0 czech sead beads. Of course it would be much better to use miyuki cubes... but I like these rustic tobacco-gold cubes and fortunately I had the matching sead beads too :))) Maybe I will keep this one ;)
3D peyote bracelet, made of 10/0 lilac japanese seed beads, 4 mm bronze bicone swarovski, 13/0 czech matte purple seed beads, 8 mm pale rose round glass beads.
When this idea came to my mind I thought this would be an interesting and beautiful bracelet... But it was too much beadig for an ordinary-looking simple bracelet.... I´m sure I´ll never make a copy of it :))))) at least not when I have flu and migrane at the same time ;)
11/0 delicas and 4mm czech firepolished beads. A simple peyote bracelet with holes. The photos are terrible again...I forgot to take some pics of it during the day so I had to use some lamps...
Peyore bracelet with 11/0 delicas (hematite, bronze, sea blue, turquoise) and 4 mm bicone swarovski beads (caribic blue opal, dark grey with old gold). A very simple flowered pattern, come back for the instructions with drawings next month!
Another bracelet made of 11/0 delicas. Sea blue and old gold with fuchsia 4 mm swarovski bichones and 3 mm aqua czech firepolished beads. Circular peyote combined with herringbone. I used 0,16 mm fishing line (Kamasaki soft) with size 12 Pony needle.
Flat herringbone bracelet with 11/0 delicas and 4 mm czech firepolished beads. Anyway... does anyone know how to take a good photo of jewels made of glittering delicas??? I tried different lightsources (and effects in Paint Shop Pro) but I don´t like the results...
I have been searching the matching fuchsia firepolished beads for 2 years for this agate. At last I found some. Better late than never :))) I made setting to be wearable on both sides: different colours, different pattern. Anna gave me the matching organza ribbon. Thanks Anna!!!
At last I had a little time for beading this weekend... I bought this turquoise sead bead 2 years ago (at least...) but until now I had no matching beads and design ideas for it. The chrystal cabochons are sewed onto a felt backing so the metal housing does not touch one´s skin.
Another simple and quick-to-make nacklace: simple beaded beads and lamp beads on leadther strings (with small beaded bead stoppers made of sead beads where it is needed...)
The pictures, graphics, instructions and patterns in this blog are copyrighted and legally protected. These objects - without the preliminary written permission of the author - ÉVA DOBOS - cannot be used for any kind of commercial, publishing or tutorial purposes!